North Macedonia




N. Macedonia







North Macedonia, OU Dr Vladimir Polezinoski primary school

OU Dr Vladimir Polezinoski is a primary school in Kicevo. There are students age 6-14 in our school. In the school there are 17 classrooms. There are two outdoor playgrounds and one indoor playground. There are 45 teachers and one school library. Students from 1-st to 5-th grade study on the first floor while students from 6-th to 9-th grade study in the second floor. There is also a canteen in which the bigger classes are allowed to play music. There is a school magazine in which there are the most recent news about the school. There are a lot of competitions in which students from the school participate. There was also an EQ POP UP festival by UNICEF.

We are new in Erasmus projects but we have participated in many other projects so far. Our field where we can contribute is Critical thinking , a 21st century skill. We have five trained teachers who were on British Council training seminar and they (including mysef trained all the other teachers. Also we have  participated in micro bit training courses and we have a coding club which works on a project called Gardening with STEM. The school is involved in projects about recycling, multi etnic project with another local school. We are also involved in a project called A challenge for young explorers organized by the innovations fund of North Macedonia.