The primary school “Sveti Sava” from Požarevac is a school with a long tradition, founded in 1911. Today, our school is attended by 597 students from the first to the eighth grade, teaching 46 teachers. Teaching is conducting in the central school in Požarevac , as well as in the separated department in the nearby village of Ćirikovac. At school there is also a combined department of students with disabilities, as well as nine classes students of Functional Adult Elementary Education; the total number of FAEE participants is 121, and 16 teachers. Residents of 4 local communities gravitate towards the school : “Bulevar”, “Sopot”, “Ćirikovac” and “Radna Mala”, and especially the “Radna Mala” part of the city inhabited predominantly Roma population, so that a large number of pupils of school and FAEE attendees are Roma, as well as children from materially and socially vulnerable families. “We are a school that respects the needs of its students and trainees for personal and social development, and meet them through quality support programs the process of learning and education in a safe environment. We are defending professional behavior employees and cooperative relationships with all stakeholders “(School Mission, School Development plan 2017-2022).